Solar images
Mercury transit Mercury's solar transit of 9 Nov 2006 and sunspots 921,922 and 923
Mercury transits the solar disc on average 13-14 times every century. This one was very nearly thwarted by clouds. The next Mercury transits for Australia won't be until 2032 and 2039, and these will be best placed for the western states. It was a great site in the eyepiece, with the planet producing a larger disc than I expected to see.
Labelled version of this image.
Image showing movement of mercury.
Sun and sunspot-905 Sunspot-905
An initial solar imaging effort, in preparation for the transit of Mercury on 9 November 2006 - incidentally in 3 days from now. Hopefully an image of the transit will appear above this soon....
sun and sunspot Sunspot-904
Another testing 1... 2... 3... shot in prep for the Mercury transit. Levels adjustment, contrast and sharpening in Photoshop 7.0 to bring out detail in the sunspot.